

Dental implants

Dental implants are advanced dental prosthetics designed to replace missing teeth and restore oral function. Comprising three main components–a titanium post, an abutment, and a prosthetic crown–dental implants mimic the structure of natural teeth. The titanium post is surgically embedded into the jawbone, serving as a stable and durable foundation. Over time, the bone fuses with the implant through a process called osseointegration, ensuring a secure anchoring.

The abutment connects the post to the prosthetic crown, which is the visible, tooth-like structure. This crown is customized to match the color, shape, and size of surrounding teeth, providing a natural appearance.

Dental implants offer numerous advantages, including enhanced chewing ability, speech, and aesthetics, while also preventing the bone loss that typically occurs with tooth extraction.

Not only do implants function like natural teeth, but they also contribute to overall oral health by maintaining bone density and preventing adjacent teeth from shifting. While the implantation process requires careful planning and may involve multiple stages, the long-term benefits make dental implants a popular and effective solution for individuals seeking a permanent and lifelike tooth replacement option.

Our expertise

Crown and abutment being attached to the dental implant being used to replace a molar

We know all about dental implants! We provide the best and most accessible dental services too.

We are specialists, our credentials, theoretical knowledge and clinical practice support us. We are constantly studying and improving. We are the pioneers and leaders in dental implants in Costa Rica, since 40 years ago, At the present time we are the only dental office that works with immediate one-stage implants and delayed two-stage implants.

We are pioneers in the field of dental implants in Costa Rica at affordable prices.
More than 40 years of experience in Implantology support us, with more than 46,000 implants placed.

The latest technology for implant placement is used. We have two units for 3D Dental Tomography for three-dimensional images. This allows us to plan the best path for implant placement and avoid all important anatomical structures and maximize bone availability.

We have different types of dental implants available

The two stage permanent implant (delayed load)

For more information about Delayed Load Dental Implants click HERE

The one stage, osteocompressive implants (immediate load)

For more information about Immediate Load Dental Implants click HERE

Quality Dental Implants in Costa Rica | Lifetime Guarantee